Previous BusinessRails

The Greater Bay BusinessRail Experience'23 took place between October 23rd and 28, 2023.
Starting in Zhongshan, where the delegation got to fully understand the city's opportunities in an official meeting with China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Zhongshan Commitee (CCPIT), as well as get to know several entrepreneurs in a business matching meeting organized by China-Europe Association for Technical and Economic Cooperation (CEATEC); after that the delegation also visited Jiangmen, where an official meeting with the Chamber of Commerce of Jiangmen took place, in tgis meeting CIC and AJEPC signed an MOU with yhe Jiangmen New Generation Entrepreneurs Association; in Guangzhou the delegation visited the Consulate of Portugal; and in Shenzhen the delegation got the chance to visit the China Security Expo 2023 and the Digital City World Congress. Also in Shenzhen, the delegation visited the headquarters of huge companies, such as Hifrozen and the huge Yantian Hutchion Ports. Finishing this amazing business adventure in Hong Kong.

The IBERIAN BusinessRail Experience'23 took place between May 25th and June 3rd.
Starting in Lisbon and stoping by Entroncamento, where we highlight the visit at the National Railway Museum and the networking lunch with Entroncamento highest autorities and local entrepreneurs. This itinerary also included other interesting cities like Badajoz, Madrid, Ourense, Vigo, Viana do Castelo and Braga. In each city there was cultural and business activities between the local entrepreneurs and the BusinessRail delegation.
The last destination of this BusinessRail experience took place in Braga, where we highlight the participation of the BusinessRail members in the FIN - International Business Forum, organized by AJEPC.

The IBERIAN BusinessRail Experience'22 took place between May 25th and June 3rd.
Starting in Barcelona and going trough Madrid, Lisbon, Entroncamento and Porto. In each city there was cultural and business activities between the local entrepreneurs and the BusinessRail delegation.
The last destination of this BusinessRail experience took place in Porto, where we highlight the participation of the BusinessRail members in the FIN - International Business Forum, organized by AJEPC.

The SOUTHERN EUROPE BusinessRail Experience took place between August 12th and 19th 2021.
Starting in Venice, several entrepreneurs got the chance to meet and enhance their network through several business and cultural activities that happened in Trieste (Italy), Ljublijana, Maribor (Slovenia), Zagreb (Croatia) and Belgrado (Serbia). We highlight the participation at the Youth Strategic Forum, Networking Cocktails and meetings with Young Entrepreneurs Organizations of Croatia and Serbia.
The CHINA BusinessRail Experience took place between October 9th and 21st 2019, starting in Beijing, and stopping at Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao.
The Programme included several Business Activities (Conferences, Company Visits, Speed meetings, Networking Lunches/Dinners) and Cultural Activities (Tours, Traditional food and performances). The Experience included the participation at MIF/PLPEX (Macau International Fair).
The IBERIAN BusinessRail Experience took place between June 2nd and 7th, starting in Barcelona, and stopping at Madrid, Lisbon and Porto.
The Programme included several Business Activities (Conferences, Speed meetings, Networking Lunches and Pitches), Soft Skills Activities and Cultural Activities (Tours, Traditional food and performances). The Experience included the participation at FIN2019 (International Business Forum), a B2B event that consists of various initiatives.
In 2018 BusinessRail was launched, with the IBERIAN Edition taking place.
It was huge success, counting on the presence of businessman from several countries, especially China, Ukraine and Portuguese Speaking Countries.
That edition was organized by CIC - Centro Internacional de Cultura (International Culture Center) and AJEPC - Associação de Jovens Empresários Portugal-China (Association of Young Entrepreneurs Portugal - China)